Malicious Insider Threats and the Costly Consequences for Businesses

Malicious Insider

In the world of computers and secrets, there’s a sneaky danger called “malicious insider.” These are people who work for a company but decide to use their access to do bad things. Understanding this hidden threat is like putting on Armor to guard your digital castle.

What is a Malicious Insider Threat?

Picture this: someone who works with you has special access to important information, but instead of using it for good, they decide to cause trouble. That trouble could be stealing secrets, like special computer tricks, and using them against the company.

Malicious Insider Threat
Malicious Insider Threat

    Why Should You Worry?

    Imagine someone taking your favourite toy and giving it to another kid. That’s a bit like what happens when a malicious insider steals special tricks from their company. This can make the company lose money and also make it harder for them to do their job.

    1. Taking Secret Stuff: Just like a superhero’s special moves, companies have secret tricks that help them stay ahead. A malicious insider takes these secrets and uses them for their benefit.
    2. Money Troubles: Companies can lose a lot of money because of these sneaky actions. Imagine if your favourite ice cream shop suddenly had to close because someone took their secret ice cream recipe.
    3. Trust Goes Away: When someone you trust does something bad, it hurts. The same goes for companies. If insiders misuse secrets, it can hurt how much people trust and like the company.

    Real-Life Story: XYZ Faces a Malicious Insider Threat

    Let’s talk about a real-life story involving a company we’ll call XYZ. Two employees played a not-so-nice trick. They took special computer tricks for making power plants work better and started their own company. This new company then went against XYZ in job bids, offering to do the same work for less money.

    XYZ lost many job bids, and when they found out their old employees were behind it, they called the FBI. After a big investigation, the bad employees were caught, sent to jail, and had to pay XYZ $1.4 million for what they did.

    Protecting your Business from Malicious Insider Threats

    Now, let’s talk about how to keep your business safe from these sneaky threats:

    1. Lock Doors (Control Access): Just like you lock your front door, companies need to lock digital doors. Only people who need to know certain things should be allowed to see them.
    2. Watchful Eyes (Monitor Employees): It’s like having superheroes watch out for bad guys. Companies need to keep an eye on what employees are doing. If something looks strange, they can catch it early.
    3. Super Shields (Use Malicious Insider Detection Tools): Companies can use special tools, like shields, to catch bad actions early. These tools, like User and Entity Behaviour Analytics (UEBA), can detect when someone is acting strange.

    In conclusion: Keeping Your Castle Safe

    In the world of computers, we need to be ready for sneaky dangers like malicious insiders. Learning from stories like XYZ’s, we can use simple tricks like locking doors, watching closely, and using special shields to keep our businesses safe. By understanding these hidden dangers and staying alert, we can make sure our digital castles remain strong and protected.

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